22 Products
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE This bottle mix box consists of bottles that have been dug up on a historical WW2 battlefield, excavated by our team and exclusively composed for you! The bottles in this box are highly variable, meaning they could for example have been used for medical, cosmetic and consumption related […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE These authentic British beer bottles were drunk and left behind by the advancing British Army on the Western Front during WW2. After 75 years in the soil, these beauties finally saw daylight again. They are still in a really good condition. The markings vary on the bottles that […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE Experience the history that took place on a WW2 battlefield with this unique buckle mix box. The items have been dug up on a variety of historical sites where fighting took place in the European theater. The buckles in this package can be German, US or British. All […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE Experience the history that took place on a WW2 battlefield with this unique button relic package. The items have been dug up on a variety of historical sites where fighting took place in the European theater. The buttons in this package can originate from many countries, like Germany, […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE Experience the history that took place on a WW2 battlefield with this unique coin relic package. The items have been dug up on a variety of historical sites where fighting took place in the European theater. The coins in this package can originate from many countries, like Germany, […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE These authentic Opekta bottles were produced by Otto Franks business that operated from the building (Prinsengracht 263, Amsterdam) where the family hid during the Nazi Occupation. The Opekta company was based in Cologne when Otto Frank, then residing in Germany, was appointed to aid their expansion into The […]
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$74.99MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE These authentic German Coca Cola bottles were produced from 1929 until 1941 by the Coca Cola company in cooperation with local manufacturers based in Germany. During 1941 an embargo was set by the USA on Coca-Cola syrup and ingredients to Germany, after the USA declared war on Germany. […]
$34.99MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE These authentic German Coca Cola bottles were produced from 1929 until 1941 by the Coca Cola company in cooperation with local manufacturers based in Germany. During 1941 an embargo was set by the USA on Coca-Cola syrup and ingredients to Germany, after the USA declared war on Germany. […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE 50 caliber casings are used by the Browning Machine Gun. It fires a .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber firearm cartridge developed for the M2 Browning machine gun in the late 1910s, entering official service in 1921. During World War II the .50 BMG was primarily used in the […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE British 303 casings or 7.7×56mmR, are .303-inch (7.7 mm) calibre rimmed rifle cartridges, first developed in Britain for the Lee–Metford rifle. This casing was also fired by the British Bren LMG. It was the standard British and Commonwealth military cartridge from 1889 until the 1950s when it was […]
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$39.99MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE These iconic German gas masks were used by the Wehrmacht or by civilians during WW2. Every German soldier was issued with one of these gas masks and they were carried in canisters. They came in a couple of different types like the M30, M38, VM40 and VM44. Most […]
MDWW2BATTLEGROUNDS EXCLUSIVE This iconic German dog tag (Erkennungsmarke) was worn around the neck by every Wehrmacht soldier. Although the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) was not part of the Wehrmacht, it acted as a precursor to Wehrmacht service for many men. Its activities emphasized discipline, physical fitness, and ideological indoctrination, effectively preparing participants […]